Animal Hub
The Animal Hub is open.
Welcome to Lytham Hall's animal hub. You can help support the Hub by giving a donation towards food and upkeep of the living quarters.
Our four legged friends include our pigs Betty & Macbeth, and our rabbits, Charles & Camilla. We are also home to Bogie & Toby who are our mischievous goats and we endeavour to keep all our lovely animals in the lifestyle to which they have recently become accustomed.
Please pop into our Estate Office if you wish to make a donation.

Our pigs have come to us from the Pigs Inn Heaven sanctuary over in Littleborough, near Rochdale where the wonderful Janet and her team save hundreds of pet pigs who have outgrown their homes or where circumstances have changed.
Our pygmy goats were rescued from Bolton and have been kindly sponsored by Danielle, a local lady & animal lover.
All our rescue rabbits have come from Posy & Pals Animal Sanctuary at Freckleton where the team save hundreds of rabbits who have no homes due to circumstances changing or who have been abandoned.
Animal Fact Files
All hail Macbeth!
Everyone meet the world's most stubborn pig - this Gloucester Old Spot is the last out for playtime and first in for food.

Our one year old Pygmy goat adores cuddles & kisses. He is a true master of the ' puppy eyes ' which he uses to great effect to ensure he gets as much attention as possible.
Bogie looks up to his troublesome brother, Toby, but he also tries unsuccessfully to keep him in line. They enjoy special treats of carrots and the occasional orange slice

Golden Pheasant
Welcoming the newest members of our animal hub, we say hello to our highly intelligent golden pheasants, also known as Chinese pheasants and credited with being among the most beautiful birds in the world.
Smaller than a common pheasant, the male is very brightly coloured with a yellow crown and lower back, dark wings and upper neck, red underparts and long finely barred tail. Basically a colouring book in bird form.
The female is much less interesting, being paler brown than a female pheasant, with a mottled appearance.
They are shy birds, keeping to dark, dense woodland and they roost in trees at night.
The Houdini of the goat world, he loves nothing more than an unsupervised adventure. He is a true escape artist, so, needless to say, he gives both staff & volunteers the run around.
Toby is a huge fan of oranges, but only in moderation. Although he absolutely adores having his head scratch and enjoys cuddles even more.
He also enjoys evening walks with his brother, Bogie, when they stroll through the Lytham hall historic parkland in the peace and quiet.

Charles & Camilla
Say "Hi" to Charles (light brown) & Camilla, these two gorgeous little Bunnies have a new home here at Lytham Hall thanks to Posy & Pals Animal Sanctuary at Freckleton, who do great work in finding new homes for small furries.
They arrived just before the coronation, so naturally got named Charles & Camilla (yes they are boy & girl but don't worry there will be no babies - snip snip)!
Their enclosure is a Palace with loads of room to play, hide, shelter and run.
They has been made very welcome in our animal hub here at Lytham Hall.