Why are trees being felled?
Woodlands need active management and after years of neglect and decline in the 20th century, the Hall's trees have self-seeded, grown in inappropriate places, obscured historic parkland vistas, and some of the trees have reached natural maturity, and some are diseased. Management of the parkland means having a place for the right coverage in the right places. This means taking out trees in overcrowded areas, and putting British native trees back, for instance in the shelter belt at the end of the South prospect. All tree felling is carried out in conjunction with the Forestry Commission and Fylde Borough Council Tree Officer. In the autumn you can purchase seasoned firewood, and this income is reinvested in caring for the parkland.
Why are rhododendrons being removed?
Rhododendrons may look nice for one month a year, but they destroy the soil, which becomes too acidic for anything else to grow, which is bad for wildlife. They are an invasive species which grow at such a speed, that they soon take over. This has happened at Lytham Hall and we need to correct it. There are two Victorian, ornamental rhododendrons in the south prospect garden and in Hall wood, which flower from January until May, which will be safeguarded.
Why do I have to pay Parking Charges?
It costs around £12,500 a week to look after Lytham Hall and we receive no regular funding from Government or local councils. Our Car Parking charges go towards this and are priced reasonably. All money raised on site goes straight to the upkeep, running and restoration of Lytham Hall.
Can I bring my dog to the park / tea room / Hall?
Yes, well-behaved dogs are very welcome in the parkland and in the tea room. Unfortunately, we cannot allow dogs in the Hall. Dogs should be under control at all times, and on a lead in the tea room and in the outside picnic area. This is to protect children who may be afraid of dogs, and also to keep fouling under control. There are bins near all car parks and near the tea room to dispose of dog waste.
Can I fish in the ponds/release fish in the ponds?
Fishing in Curtain’s Pond is managed by a private Angling Club and is for their members only. Please do not bring fish or frog spawn to the ponds, as it could upset the natural equilibrium.
Can I fly my drone here?
Lytham Hall parkland is private property, and the flying of drones without permission is prohibited for the safety of all users and our property. If you wish to fly a drone for commercial or private use you will need to ask permission from us in advance. We may ask for a copy of your liability insurance and CAA authorisation, together with a risk assessment. In addition there may be a fee for commercial use.
Can I bring my metal detector?
Lytham Hall parkland is private property and we do not allow metal detectors to be used on site.
Is there disabled access?
The ground floor of the House is accessible to wheelchairs via a ramp to the North Entrance, and the ground floor is available to view without further steps. The ground floor of the Jacobean Courtyard is accessible via the courtyard door. Unfortunately, there is no lift access to the first or second floor of the historic house.
There is access to the tea room, via a removable ramp and a lift, which also accesses the top floor of the West Wing for private functions. There is disabled toilet in the West Wing and courtyard.
Paths in the parkland have been improved and adapted to be wheelchair accessible, including the entry from Forest Drive during the week, and there is a spiral path without steps to the top of the Mount to access that viewpoint.
Can I hold a children’s party in the grounds?
The parkland is a great place for informal family picnics and gatherings. We ask that you park in the car parks, dispose of all litter and take care near the ponds.
If you wish to hold a party in the parkland you will need to contact us and a hire fee may be applicable. Our catering staff can also cater for these events on request.
Can I have a BBQ in the grounds?
No, for the safety and enjoyment of all our users we do not allow BBQs or open fires.
Can I get married at Lytham Hall?
Yes, the Georgian Hall and the West Wing are licensed for wedding ceremonies and can accommodate 70-90 guests. Please contact the office for more details including post-ceremony drinks and canapes.
Photography General
We allow private photographs to be taken in the parkland. For commercial photography, you need to get in touch with the Estate Office. This includes photographing your car either privately or as a trader in front of the Hall in order to sell. Lytham Hall is a private property and you need our permission to use our land and assets for private gain.
Can I ride my horse at Lytham Hall?
Unfortunately we do not allow horses at Lytham Hall in the interests of safety and enjoyment of all our users. Although the Clifton family had a huge passion for horses, the estate and network of paths and trails is not large enough to create safe areas for hacking today.
Frequently Asked Questions