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Comments, Feedback and Suggestions


We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions, and provide a variety of means by which you can do this.  If you would like to make a complaint, or compliment a member of staff on their service, we would like to know.


As part of our comments procedure, we will:

  • Treat complaints seriously and deal with them properly

  • Resolve complaints promptly and informally whenever possible

  • Learn from complaints and take action to improve our service

  • Ensure that complaints are treated in confidence


What to do if you have a complaint:

It's always better if you can let us know straight away. Most complaints can be sorted out quickly by a member of staff at Lytham Hall, and our staff will welcome the opportunity to do this if at all possible.

If it is not possible to complain at the time you can contact Lytham Hall by email, in writing or by telephone.


Write to:

Lytham Hall, Ballam Rd, Lytham. FY8 5BL

Telephone: 01253 736652

Email :


What happens next?

Should you have cause to complain over the phone, we will try to resolve the issue there and then. Similarly, if you complain by email or in writing, the Deputy General Manager Paul Lomax will do everything he can to resolve it within 10 days. If this is not possible, we will explain why and give a new deadline.


What if the complaint is not resolved?

If you are not happy with our response, then you can get back in touch with us by  emailing for the attention of the Peter Anthony (General Manager).  Your complaint will be reviewed by a senior manager, and the Trust’s response will be sent in writing within 10 days.



ADDRESS: Lytham Hall, Ballam Road, Lytham, FY8 4JX

OFFICE PHONE: (01253) 736652


Navigation users

Use Postcode: FY8 4TQ



For an updated copy of our privacy policy

please click here

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Lytham Hall


We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions, and provide a variety of means by which you can do this.







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Lytham Hall is owned by Lytham Town Trust (charity no. 1000098) and managed by  Heritage Trust for the North West (charity no. 508300).



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