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Friends of Lytham Hall

The Friends of Lytham Hall (charity no.1069442) was founded in 1996 before the Hall was acquired for the community. The Friends have raised over £100,000, much of it helping to support lottery applications but also to fund specific restoration projects. Members receive a regular newsletter with information about the Hall and Friends events such as their Masked Ball, Christmas coffee morning  and dinner.

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The Friends began the very popular snowdrop walks.  These take place on February Sundays when a glorious display appears in the woodland. They have been running a temporary shop in the old kitchen selling snowdrops for several years. Hundreds of children turn up for the Friends’ Halloween and Easter Bunny events.  All these occasions are great fun and more volunteers are welcome.


Now and again there is  an opportunity to return lost artefacts to the Hall and the Friends have been active in making this possible, for example the billiard table, various books, and items of Clifton memorabilia.


The Friends bookshop opened in 2013 and is a great success, housed in the tea room lobby. This is accessible every day when the grounds are open.


As the only group whose funds are used solely for the benefit  of Lytham Hall the Friends have been delighted to receive a number of legacies.


Please download a Friends Membership Application Form CLICK HERE



ADDRESS: Lytham Hall, Ballam Road, Lytham, FY8 4JX

OFFICE PHONE: (01253) 736652
TEA ROOM PHONE: (01253) 736675 (10 a.m.-4 p.m.)



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Lytham Hall


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Lytham Hall is owned by Lytham Town Trust (charity no. 1000098) and managed by  Heritage Trust for the North West (charity no. 508300).



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