Tickets on sale for theatre season
Tickets are on sale at Lytham Hall now for the 2017 summer season of four open air plays.

Chapterhouse Theatre Company will launch the season on Sunday 11 June at 6.00 pm, the first weekend of their extensive summer tour.
The company will present Richard Main’s production of Charles Dickens’ popular novel, Great Expectations, adapted for the stage by Laura Turner.

Fylde coast fans will then welcome the return of Illyria, after three acclaimed shows last summer, as director Oliver Gray promises full-sized dinosaurs in his stage version of Arthur Conan Doyle’s adventure novel The Lost World at 6.00 pm on Sunday 9 July.
Oliver Gray is looking forward to being part of the Lytham Hall bill once again.
“We love the enthusiasm of our loyal followers on the Lancashire coast.”
The news of our production of the novel which is the basis of the Jurassic Park stories is meeting with much approval at all the venues we will be visiting.”
Illyria will be back on the opening weekend of their summer tour with Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular comic operetta The Mikado on Sunday 20 August. This sixth musical production by the company will play at around 50 open air venues throughout the country in just 58 days.
Last summer Lytham Hall’s attendance of over 600 for the family summer show, Danny, the Champion of The World, was the largest of Illyria’s 80 venue tour. This year on Bank Holiday Sunday afternoon 27 August Illyria are expecting a capacity audience again for the Hans Christian Andersen favourite The Emperor’s New Clothes.

Julian Wilde who is organising the season of plays is delighted with the variety of the 2017 programme.
“I think the balance of this summer’s programme will have a strong appeal. The colourful powerful characters in Great Expectations, together with an adventure story involving dinosaurs, Gilbert and Sullivan’s most acclaimed show and an Emperor with no clothes on means that there’s something for everyone this summer.
There has been no increase in ticket prices and I think it is excellent that people can book on-line as well as at seven local outlets. I am confident that we are going to have a well-supported season.”
Tickets : Adult £13 Concessions : Senior/student £10, Schoolchild £6.50
On line bookings from Illyria and Chapterhouse’s own websites :
Local ticket outlets - book in person or by phone - Lytham Hall phone 01253 736652 : Lowther Pavilion, Lytham 794221 (booking online also available) : Plackitt & Booth, Booksellers, Clifton Street, Lytham 796958 : Stringers Homelife, Haven Road, Lytham 740700 : Storytellers Inc., The Crescent, St. Annes 781690 : Bennetts Bakery, Woodlands Road, Ansdell 736318 : Silverdell Books, Poulton Street, Kirkham 01772 683444