Repainting the front elevation

Heritage Trust for the North West is pleased to announce that they are getting on with the repainting of the front of Lytham Hall. As a first stage the North Entrance porch is being painted as a trial area to demonstrate to visitors and the general public how the front of the Hall will look when all the work is complete.
Thanks to the help of Nigel Leaney, a volunteer and paint specialist from Lincolnshire, the Trust has discovered the original colour which John Carr, the architect for Lytham Hall, used in 1764 when the Hall was built. Nigel, who has a lifetime experience of the work of John Carr, is excited that the Trust is proposing to restore the original colour and is applying for Listed Building Consent for the scheme.
All this work forms part of general repairs to the fabric of the Hall e.g. repairing gutters, fall-pipes, window and door repairs and removing unsightly wiring and repointing areas where the tuck pointing is missing. All this work will be done during the Summer and early Autumn.
The painting is being undertaken by Mr. P. Wilkinson of Lytham and the repair scheme is under the direction of Austin Grady, the Trust’s Building Manager, and Purcell architects.