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Tidying up at Lytham Hall

An estimated 40,000 people annually use Lytham Hall’s parkland and many of these visitors are dog walkers. Would you believe that in 2014 there was only a single bin available, resulting unfortunately in quite a few people leaving their dog poo bags hanging from trees, for our volunteers to find as they were maintaining our parkland.

In 2015 we received a donation of three 70 litre bins, which were placed near the tea room, and at both car parks. But our visitor numbers kept growing and soon these weren’t enough anymore – especially after a glorious weekend with picnickers visiting.

As a charity that opens the parkland six days a week free of charge, there simply isn’t the income to afford investments in infrastructure sometimes, and our dog walkers were clamouring for bins near the Forest Drive gate and our main gate.

Our pleas have now been answered and we recently took possession of four 110 litre bins, meaning a total of seven bins will now be in place. Two larger ones near our tea room picnic area and new ones at the main gates, inner gate and Forest Drive gate, as agreed with Fylde Borough Council officers. This just leaves an extra bill to empty these weekly, to be paid by Heritage Trust for the North West, the charity that has been managing Lytham Hall since 1999.

We have heard visitors asking how they can do more to help Lytham Hall’s gates to remain open, as they recognise that just a having a cup of tea and a piece of delicious cake every so often, whilst parking for free, isn’t going to bring enough income to see Lytham Hall thrive. Officials at the Hall are contemplating membership opportunities to build on the already existing Friends of Lytham Hall membership, which would enable residents to support their “hidden gem”.

But is Lytham Hall still hidden? Thousands of people delighted in the Club Day surroundings after the procession and partied the night away, whilst the Grand Dame blinked sleepily behind the marquee. Pretty soon, this hidden gem may well be the talk of the town. But only with your support. We’ll keep you posted.

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ADDRESS: Lytham Hall, Ballam Road, Lytham, FY8 4JX

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Lytham Hall is owned by Lytham Town Trust (charity no. 1000098) and managed by  Heritage Trust for the North West (charity no. 508300).



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