Leafy Lytham Christmas Trees
Lytham Hall remains closed and will have to sadly remain closed due to the tier three restrictions. However regulations allow Greg from the Garden Hub to sell his Christmas trees. On Sunday Greg will be selling his trees from the gate houses at the Ballam Road entrance to Lytham Hall. you can come and choose yours and then get it delivered - how convenient and you're supporting both the hall and Greg's small business! A few details as follows... Greg will have trees for sale between 10:30 and 3:30 on Sunday He'll then be selling them again next week Thursday - Sunday and will be joined by the lovely Gene and Zara from the antique shop! Please use the car park next to the Park View playing fields diagonally opposite to Lytham Hall's entrance at the weekends so we d

on't cause traffic congestion - no one wants that! Weekdays, please park on the bridge.
You can pay by Cash or card - we prefer card if possible
Now this one's important, you will NOT be able to come in to the grounds of Lytham Hall or park on the property as the hall is strictly closed to ALL visitors. Lets all keep our fingers crossed for the 16th when the restrictions get reviewed!
Tree prices as follows:
Nordmann Fir 5/6ft - £35.99
Nordmann Fir 6/7ft - £39.99
Nordmann Fir 7/8ft - £59.99
Nordmann Fir 8/9ft - £79.99
Fraser Fir 4/5ft - £29.99
Fraser Fir 5/6ft - £39.99
Fraser Fir 6/7ft - £49.99
Fraser Fir 7/8ft - £59.99
Quick Stand - £19.99
Greg's expecting a lot of visitors so please do be patient with him and his lovely team!
Messages to Lytham Hall about trees wont be picked up so if you've got a question please email Greg via leafylytham@gmail.com.